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Listed below are a few examples of the many successes Fletcher & Associates have had over the years in helping companies meet their goals and objectives:

  • For a large international company in the automotive industry, Fletcher & Associates led the successful start-up of a corporate university that currently provides training and education for over 10,000 employees in 15 countries. The start-up was so successful that Fletcher & Associates was requested to stay on and manage the university thru its next stages of growth and development that includes providing services to the supply chain that supports them. This effort involved building international support, sourcing and making use of state-of-the-art software and technology, the development of materials in multiple languages, the development of certification paths for various job descriptions and identification and sourcing of international partners.

  • For an equipment manufacturer, Fletcher & Associates re-engineered their management system from a text based model that included several hundred pages of policies and procedures that were mostly unread by their employees to a short, to the point flow chart based model that not only has been embraced by the employees but has gained acceptance and best practice praise by the international management certification organizations. Using this model, Fletcher & Associates is currently engaged with several organizations to implement this model.

  • For an international charitable organization dedicated to solving the issue of world hunger, Fletcher & Associates donated their time to facilitate an international team through the process of shortening the time and process steps it takes to get surplus food to the intended location.

  • Fletcher & Associates has created "One Point Lessons" on over 120 topics. These training and reference handouts have been hugely successful by several of our clients and over 20,000 "One Point Lessons" are in circulation including the publication of two books.

  • Fletcher & Associates has facilitated an international team for a large organization on starting up a "Best in Class" cultural diversity program. The team has developed a diversity statement and training, initiated worldwide diversity events, established internal and external websites and developed several diversity metrics. The work completed by this team is being considered as a "Best in Class" model for cultural diversity by the organization’s peers and other organizations outside their industry.

  • For a large chemical manufacturer, Fletcher & Associates conducts all of the management system auditing for their operations in North America. Fletcher & Associates has been able to provide this service effectively to the organization at a rate that reflects a 50% reduction in cost over their internal efforts for the same activity.